

What is homeopathy

Homeopathy is a healing art that is based on the natural law “like cures like”.  A well-chosen remedy helps your body to go back to a balanced state by a subtle shift. The whole person is treated, which means mental, emotional and physical states are considered. Homeopathy is safe and effective for everyone, including infants, pregnant women and even pets.

What can homeopathy do for you

The right remedy can help you alleviate any illness that the body itself is able to cure. These include mental, emotional and physical symptoms.

Some of the symptoms that may be helped are:

  • Mental/emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, ADD, addiction, OCD and insomnia
  • Injuries such as fracture, inflammation, bruises, shock and infection
  • Skin problems such as eczema, rashes, hives and psoriasis
  • Immune imbalance such as asthma, allergies and fibromyalgia
  • Children’s issues such as teething, ear infection, childhood illnesses and behavioral problems and much more.

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